I have never liked the state of the union address because it gives the current president an unfair advantage over any candidate that may run against him in the future. More americans watch the state of the union address than any speech by a candidate running for the position. President Obama can withhold any information that he wants, most likely the things that he and his administration have been doing poorly, but he can dish out info on all the things he and his administration are doing well. It just gives the american people a false sense of hope or faith in the administration that is in place. Every time a candidate is on TV, he/she is arguing against someone else and there is another person who is pointing out all the facts that he/she is trying to hide. The current problem with our government is that we are treating it as a necessity and not as a company, but thats what it is. The government's income is the taxpayers money and it is supposed to spend that money on the very taxpayers who support it with their money. Just like Walmart, you give them money for something in return. If we treated the government the same way as we treat walmart, then there wouldn't be a problem because most likely there would be no government. The government, as a company is failing. It is somehow losing and spending more money than the money it is getting. How can it possibly spend over 25% of the money made in the United States every year when it is only supposed to support people that need support and provide a military that it only spends 10% of the money it gets on. My solution to this problem would be to not financially support the government and let it run on its own, like Walmart and if it happens to go bankrupt, then we get back to the origins of our country, 50 different governments all under one name who come together in times of need. That would create more opportunities for states, thus money and support to leave the country but would also provide a stronger government and a wealthier country as a whole.
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