My advertisement comes from WIRED magazine, and is advertising the Ipad. The message content is bad on my add because it doesn't show us many of the capabilities of the Ipad.
- The image is obviously trying to showcase the leisure that might come with an Ipad but I don't like how it is dilivered so Landry and I thought it didn't have good size and shape.
- There isn't any writing in the add other than what is on the Ipad which is visible but doesn't matter in my opinion.
1. What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design? Trends are things that occur in a consistent order and they are important to identify because they can inform you of what may be to come or what might happen.
2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group? Marketers are going to make an add childlike if it is going to be in a kids magazine or on a kids channel and will do the same with adults in an adult magazine. This allows for better marketing if you know who your target age is.
3. How is a potential audience identified? You know who will be reading or watching the thing your add is on and you will typically try to make your item appealing to those people.
4. What must you discover about the target audience prior to graphic design? You need to know who you are trying to make the item appealing to before you can make it appealing to them.
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